In fairness.

In fairness is a non-governmental organization that looks forward to spreading awareness and education about gender inequality. This organization is made up of five members: kalbo, ice cream, music, mochi, and esmeray. Their nicknames were formed from the word “happiness” and the thought of things that make them happy.Our contents will mainly radiate positive and wholesome yet meme type of vibes in order to express our thoughts in the way we are comfortable with as the young generation. Please look forward on our contents because we also look forward in spreading positivity and awareness!

membersto make things fun while getting to know a little about our members, let us answer the question: why did you choose your nickname as your admin name?kalbo - you know, in the Philippines it is very hot kasi. and when it is hot, you eat ice cream and do stuff to cool you down. I like it when I feel cool kasi, so naisip ko if I cut my hair like into kalbo, it will make me happy because it's malamig!mochi - kasi i love mochi talaga and parang sya din kasi nagsisymbolize kay Jimin HAHAHAHAHAHA wala lang ang cute cream - As a kid my family always buys ice cream for certain events like birthdays, christmas, or new years. We still do this up to this day, sometimes even at random days, and i treat it as a reward - Kasi po ano music helps me forget my problems and icalm ung sarili ko.